Fresh Start

Hey guys, 

As you might have noticed by the lack of new posts, I’ve been totally neglecting my blog. Or well, that’s what it seems like and that’s how I felt about it. Right now, while typing this I realized that neglecting isn’t the right word. I’ve been thinking a lot and have actually written some posts but I did not publish them. So what have I been thinking and writing about?

1052134_651004021672752_2639949383179554947_o (1)For a while now I’ve been getting lots of messages from people whom I know, acquaintances and even complete strangers about my ‘transformation’ and lifestyle change. ‘How did I do it?’ they are asking me. People want my help and I get it, its is scary to change your life around. And above all, it is damn difficult.

As much as I’d like to help everyone it’s getting a bit dull to keep writing them all the same thing and it is also impossible to really help someone by only sending a couple of messages. Giving someone my food and training schedule (as I’ve been asked over and over again) isn’t going to get them that much further. If it really were that easy we’d all be fit by now. Thousandths of schedules can be found online and although there’ll be some that won’t do anything most of them will actually work if you are committed.

I’ve always liked to help others but for a long time when it came to fitness and nutrition I felt too insecure to give others advice. For me everything was new too. Honestly, in the beginning I didn’t always know what I was doing either. Still I tried again every single day and I learnt from it. Right now I definitely don’t have all the answers yet. Nevertheless, all the questions I got made me realise that my experience does get me a step ahead of everyone who’s new in this and that I can actually make a difference even though it might be small.

10848914_636391243134030_4505320432805301711_oFrom now on you can expect much more sharing from my side; training schedules, nutrition tips, yummy recipes and some lifestyle as well.

Before starting all of this I’m going to change this site to make sure it doesn’t end up to be one big chaos so I hope you don’t mind being so patient just a little bit longer.


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