2 ingredient cookies


Everyone has those moments at which you crave comfort food. Whenever this happens to me I start searching the entire kitchen for something yummy to fulfill my sweet tooth. I either don’t have anything at home -healthy decisions were made at the supermarket- or I start eating a bunch load of crap.

Not anymore! I found a recipe that provides you with yummy cookies and is made with only two ingredients which most of us probably always have in our kitchen. So may I present you a guilt free, easy to make, intolerance free and even vegan cookie recipe!

To make these yummy cookies all you need is a ripe banana and some oats. If you do not have these I recommend you seriously start wondering why and begin running to the nearest supermarket. Oats are one of those basics you’ll find in almost every healthnuts kitchen and thus they belong in yours too!

Okay so maybe you’ve just realised you’ve got everything we need but are starting to worry about your baking skills. No need to! To make these cookies you don’t need any fancy kitchen equipment. To assure you they’re easy to make; I managed to make these without setting the house on fire, losing a finger or causing an electrical breakdown -trust me, it happens- so you’ll be fine.

Two ingredient cookies; its sounds too good to be true right? I’m gonna be honest with you, there is a catch. Yes this cookie can be made with only bananas and oats. But.. who doesn’t like adding some chocolate chips, dried cranberries or coconutrasp? Long story short; you can make whatever kind of cookie you want so don’t hesitate to put some of your favourites in there.

I’m done chitchatting now so let’s make some cookies!


  • 1/2 ripe banana
  • 40 grams of oats

Some examples for extra yumminess:

  • stevia
  • dried cranberries
  • chocolate chips/cacao nibs
  • peanut butter
  • chopped nuts to your liking
  • coconut flakes
  • chiaseeds

I  added chia seeds, hemp seeds, coconut flakes and chocolate chips.



  • preheat the oven at 180 degrees celsius.
  • peel your ripe banana and cut into pieces.
  • weigh your oats.
  • smash the banana with a fork.
  • slowly add the oats while you keep mixing with the fork.
  • add some extras to your liking.
  • divide the mix into small balls and put them on the baking sheet.
  • flatten and shape them nicely.
  • put into the oven for about 15-20 minutes.
  • enjoy!

The baking time of course depends on the size of your cookies and whether you want them very crispy or not. If you don’t have a kitchen scale; smash the bananas and slowly add oats untill you feel like adding more would make the mixture too ‘dry’. Personally I liked the cookies most on the day they were made since after that they got a bit chewy. Not really a problem though since making some new ones is so easy.


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